Dinner Party App

The restaurant model has shifted dramatically over the past year, forcing restaurants to jump through hoops to reinvent their business or otherwise close down. Dinner Party is a resource for restaurants to offer ticketed and curated take-home meal experiences. It connects customers’ desires to support their favorite local restaurants with a platform that elevates the restaurants’ operational systems already in place.

Dinner Party is a solution to optimize the takeout experience through delight and experimentation.

+ product design, user experience, visual design, branding, graphic design, typography, service design, art direction — 4 months

Use the prototype for yourself!

Dinner Party gif.gif
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Welcome and Home Screen

Users can browse through the dinner parties available now and explore more in each category.

Welcome Screen .gif
Most Popular Scroll.gif

Reservation Flow

Each dinner party is listed with a short description and details about the meal experience itself and how many people it serves.

Reserve Flow.png

My Favorites Page

A corner to follow along with the dinner parties your favorite restaurants are currently hosting.

Favorites Scroll.gif

Guides Page

Users can explore restaurants and dinner parties within a given category in the guides section of the app. Each guide has a newsletter and full list of featured dinner parties being offered.

Guides Interaction.png

Restaurant Explore More Page

Each explore page would include more details about the restaurant and its story.

Restaurant Info.png

Back-end Screens to Add Dinner Party

Restaurants can add and archive dinner parties from their own business account.

Add Dinner Party.png
Archived Parties.png

Extending the Experience

Restaurants can add experiential elements to each dinner party like a dinner playlist or the inspiration behind the meal.

Experience Screens.png

Interactive Components

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