NYT Shared Collections Feature Concept

The goal of this project was to choose a native app, identify a user pain point or opportunity, and come up with a research-driven solution.

I chose the Times’ app because I wanted to explore the relationship between print and digital within the constraints of a company that has a distinct brand presence and voice, and how that’s balanced with content as a design medium, independent from UX. I also wanted to jump into the editorial space to learn more about how editorial meets content curation and the best practices of personalization features.

Shared Collections would act as folders for users to save articles to specific categories within the New York Times app instead of one big list of Saved For Later. Collections would have the ability to be shared internally between subscribers so that users can collaborate with friends on what they read.

+ product design, user experience, interaction design, design systems — 8 weeks

Take a look through the highlights of my Collections feature below or use it yourself!

intro to collections.gif